Trip Overview
We are blessed in western Washington to have world class ophiolites well exposed around Anacortes on Fidalgo and surrounding islands. The Northwest Geological Society and AEG Puget Sound are teaming up for a field trip to the Fidalgo ophiolitic mélange. Led by Dr. John Oldow the trip will include one day of a boat charter to visit beaches and islands with hard-to- access rock exposures and a second day on land. Your registration subsidizes a limited number of student slots.
Trip Leaders
Dr. John Oldow has a distinguished academic career in structural geology at Rice University, the University of Idaho, and the University of Texas-Dallas. He has deep Washington roots as a 3rd-generation Anacortes native, UW geology graduate, and current resident of Whidbey Island. This trip is based on recently published work* with his student, David Katopody, who will also co-lead. The paper presents new insights to the complex structural relationships of the mélange components based on detailed mapping of hard-to-access exposures, some of which we will visit.
Cost and Registration
The cost of the trip will be $360 per person including
- Opening night banquet and lecture at the Majestic Inn in Anacortes, September 9
- Boat transportation on the “sea” day , September 10
- Bus transportation on the “land” day, September 11
- Box Lunches 9/10 and 9/11
- Field trip guidebook
- Subsidy for three student participants
- Brown Paper Ticket Fees
Not included
- Lodging though we have room blocks
- Dinner Saturday, September 10.
- Transportation to and from Anacortes
- Before August 12, 50% refund
- After August 12, no refunds except:
- Full refund if we can resell the ticket
Membership Requirements
Participation is restricted to current AEG-Puget Sound and NWGS members only until August 1. After August 1 we will open to registration to non-member friends and other AEG chapter members. If you are not current in your AEG membership, please consider renewing and you can be eligible for priority registration (contact Tom Doe – see below)
We have 32 places for the trip based on boat occupancy. We are splitting the allocated spaces between AEG and NWGS until August 1. We will have a wait list option, and if we fill one allocation and not the other, we will fill unclaimed spaces from the wait list before opening to non-members.
Lodging is not included, but we have reserved blocks of rooms at the Anacortes Inn ($105 per night plus tax) and Majestic Inn ($350/night). We can arrange room sharing arrangements. These rates are for double rooms that accommodate two people. In your registration, please note whether you want a single, double with identified roomie (please identify to us by email), or double with assigned roomie.
Transportation to Anacortes
Transportation to Anacortes on Friday September 9 and the return September 11 will be the responsibility of participants though we can facilitate ride sharing those who would like company, reduce costs, and minimize greenhouse gas emissions.

ductile deformation of Late Jurassic ophiolitic basalt-argillite
matrix mélange and stratigraphic overlap sequence, northwestern
Washington State, Gondwana Research, v. 74, p. 189-215

Tentative Schedule
Trip participants will meet for dinner Friday, September 9, at 6:00 at the Majestic Inn in Anacortes for a social program and introductory lecture. On Sunday September 11, we will wrap up in Anacortes by 4 pm.
Day 1 (Friday, 9 September, 2022)
Meet in Anacortes; informal presentation and outline of events over drinks and dinner
Day 2 (Saturday, 10 September, 2022)
08:00 meet at Skyline and board charter boat
08:15 depart Skyline for Cypress and Vendovi Islands
09:00 slow pass along eastern Cypress showing major rock units
09:45 slow pass along Vendovi showing bedded-chert olistoliths in basalt matrix
10:15 Cypress (3 stops)
13:30 depart Cypress
14:15 Alexander Beach and Biz Point: Gabbro and pillow basalt
15:15 Rosario and Reservation Heads
14:30 Hope Island
17:30 depart to Anacortes
18:15 arrive Skyline Marina
Day 3 (Sunday, 11 September, 2022)
08:00 board vans drive to Washington Park
08:15 Jv peridotite
09:30 Cap Sante exposure of JKg (Ginnett Formation)
10:30a Lakeside Quarry: contact JKg and Jv
10:30b Top of Mount Erie: plagigranite and panoramic view of the area
12:30 Ginnett Road (JKg and Jv)
14:30 Rosario Head and Bowman Bay (Jv)
17:00 depart for Seattle