October Meeting Canceled!

We will continue to meet in our West Seattle location for the 2023-2024 season. We had a few hiccups starting up this year so we will have to cancel the October meeting. Please join us in November!

November Meeting

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Grace Winer, Lindblad/National Geographic Expeditions Geology of Iceland: la Terre Vivante (the living earth) 

December Meeting **New Date**, Tom Doe

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Please note: We are meeting on the 2nd Monday, December 11th. Tom Doe will be speaking on the topic Hiking Cougar Mountain During COVID Times. We hope to see you there!

January Meeting, Jim Miller

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Jim Miller, GeoEngineers (retired), Gold Adventures in Alaska Register for our meeting!

February Meeting, Dr. Stacia Gordon UN Reno

Zoom meeting WA

Dr. Stacia Gordon, Professor University Nevada at Reno, Tracking the Rheologic History of an Arc System: magmatism, metamorphism, and deformation in the deep crust NOTE: This Joint meeting of the NWGS and AWG is a remote, Zoom only, meeting For more details, please see the February Newsletter.

March Meeting Cancelled

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

No meeting this month.

April Meeting, Darrel Cowan

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Darrel Cowan, University of Washington, Evolution of ideas—1969-1985— about plate convergence along the western margin of North America Register for Dinner starting March 26th. https://nwgs.org/meeting-registration/

NWGS Scholarship Application Open

Students at 2 and 4 year colleges are eligible for our Scholarship. Please see the scholarship page for full details. Apply between April 1 and June 1. https://nwgs.org/scholarship/

May Meeting, Will Hoover

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Will Hoover, UW Postdoc Earthquakes and baby powder: How chemical reactions influence Cascadia slow slip

Cougar Mountain & Coal Creek Field Trip

When: August 24, 2024 Subject: Cougar Mountain Leader: Tom Doe Meeting place: Red Town Trailhead Bring:  Good walking shoes, lunch, water, recommended: sunscreen/hat/bug spray Cost: $25.00 Register here: https://nwgs.org/aug-2024-coal-creek/


October Meeting

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Carl L. Carlson, Carlson Brothers Jewelry, Tacoma The Veins of Ellensburg Blue Agate

November Dinner Meeting

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Brian F. Atwater, U.S. Geological Survey Volcanic Ash in a Varved Record of Missoula Flood Periodicity Newsletter

Dinner Meeting with Jeff Tepper, University of Puget Sound

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Our in-person meeting will include an optional social hour and dinner. Speaker: Jeffrey H. Tepper, University of Puget Sound Talk: Initiation of the Cascade Arc Program Dinner Information: 5:30 pm – No-host Social Hour 6:30 pm – Buffet Dinner (reservation required) 7:30 pm – Speaker Program 8:45 pm – Adjourn Registration link is updated about […]

January 14, 2025 In Person Meeting and Dinner

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Speaker: Paula Burgi, USGS Mendenhall Postdoctoral Fellow Talk: The role of satellite data in modeling and monitoring earthquake-induced building damage and ground failure Our in-person meeting will include an optional social hour and dinner. Program Dinner Information: 5:30 pm – No-host Social Hour 6:30 pm – Buffet Dinner (reservation required) 7:30 pm – Speaker Program […]

February 11, NWGS Meeting and Dinner

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Ken Petrie, Senior Geologist, Weyerhaeuser, Carbon Capture and Sequestration Overview

March 11, NWGS Meeting and Dinner

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Trenton Cladouhos, Quaise Energy. Super Hot Rocks and Geothermal Energy

April 8, NWGS Meeting and Dinner

Fauntleroy YMCA 9140 California Ave SW, Seattle, WA, United States

Baptiste Journaux, Assistant Research Professor, UW. Title TBD

Spring Field Trip 2025

Monroe Park and Ride 17433 Stevens Pass Highway, monroe, WA, United States

Cascade Quarry and Proctor Creek Mines near Gold Bar, WA. Leaders: George Bennett, Kurt Siegfried, and David Boyer Field trip signup and details are on the Field Trip page.