Digital copies of the most of the field trip Guidebooks are available for current NWGS members to download. If you would like any of the Guidebooks that are available, click on the number, then, on the page that opens, click on the Guidebook title. Note that your membership must be up to date (membership is open to anybody). If you have any membership issues, please contact the NWGS Secretary at [email protected] .

Unfortunately, not all Guidebooks are available.

ImageField Guide Number Title and AuthorDate
Field Guide 055(Available Spring, 2022) Sky Cooley, 2021, Calcretes and Implications for Cascade and YFB Tectonism, Othello …September 17, 2021
Field Guide 054Bush, T.A., Vick, H., and Smith, C., Jr., 2019, Exotic Terranes of the Cascade Range: …June 1, 2019
Field Guide 053Cheney, E.S., 2018, Floods, Flows, Faults, Glaciers, Gold, and Gneisses from Quincy to Chelan to …May 18, 2018
Field Guide 052(Not Available) Bennett, George, 2017, Field Trip to Silica Quarries of Southeastern Pierce CountySeptember 23, 2017
Field Guide 051Cheney, E.S., 2017, Geology of the Sanpoil Syncline and the Okanogan Metamorphic Core Complex, North-Central …May 5, 2017
Field Guide 050Goodman, K.S., Ed., 2016, Grand Geologic Tour of Scotland (12.3 MB)June 21, 2016
Field Guide 049(Not Available) Quarry Personnel, 2016, Field Trip to the Iron Mountain and CEMEX quarries near …May 7, 2016
Field Guide 048Aldrich, Jim, 2015, Olympic Mountains Geologic Field Trip (12.7 MB)October 3, 2015
Field Guide 047Cheney, E. S., Cowan, D. S, and Grupp, S. R., 2015, Some Geologic Highlights of …April 24, 2015
Field Guide 046Geology of the Continental Margin of Ancestral North America: Laurentia in Northeastern Washington (5.0 MB)October 4, 2014
Field Guide 045Haugerud, R. A., 2014, The Seattle Fault Zone on Southern Bainbridge Island (1.9 MB)May 17, 2014
Field Guide 044Stoker et al., 2013, The Cadman High Rock Quarry (2.8 MB)November 16, 2013
Field Guide 043Cheney, E.S., 2013, Fidalgo Island Field Trip (4.2 MB)May 5, 2013
Field Guide 042Cheney, E. S., 2012, Geology of the Eastern Flank of the Central Cascade RangeSeptember 8, 2012
Field Guide 041, Part 1 of 6Guðjonsson, K. A., 2012, Iceland Land of Ice and Fire, Part 1 of 6 (1.9 …August 14, 2012
Field Guide 041, Part 2 of 6Guðjonsson, K. A., 2012, Iceland Land of Ice and Fire, Part 2 of 6 (8.4 …August 14, 2012
Field Guide 041, Part 3 of 6Guðjonsson, K. A., 2012, Iceland Land of Ice and Fire, Part 3 of 6 (2.4 …August 14, 2012
Field Guide 041, Part 4 of 6Guðjonsson, K. A., 2012, Iceland Land of Ice and Fire, Part 4 of 6 (7.5 …August 14, 2012
Field Guide 041, Part 5 of 6Guðjonsson, K. A., 2012, Iceland Land of Ice and Fire, Part 5 of 6 (4.8 …August 14, 2012
Field Guide 041, Part 6 of 6Guðjonsson, K. A., 2012, Iceland Land of Ice and Fire, Part 6 of 6 (11.8 …August 14, 2012
Field Guide 040Reidel, S. P., and Tolan, T. L., 2012, The Late Cenozoic Evolution of the Columbia …May 19, 2012
Field Guide 039Troost, Kathy, and Sofield, Darrell, 2011, Jökulhlaups From Glacial Lake Puyallup, Pierce County, Washington (27.7 …October 15, 2011
Field Guide 038Sherod, Brian, 2011, Evidence for Late Quaternary and Holocene Earthquakes in Western and Central Washington …June 11, 2011
Field Guide 037Tucker, David, and Scott, Kevin, 2011, Volcanic Deposits at Mt. Baker, Washington: Tephra, Lava, Cinder …October 2, 2010
Field Guide 036Hammond, Paul, 2010, Stratigraphy and Structure of Grande Ronde Basalt in the Naches River Area, …June 12, 2010
Field Guide 035Bush, Tom, Simmons, Lynn, and Swanson, Don, 2009, Geology of Kilauea Volcano and Nearby Locations …September 17, 2009
Field Guide 034Cheney, E. S., 2009, Floods, Folds, Faults, Glaciers, Gold, Gneisses, From Quincy to Chelan to …June 13, 2009
Field Guide 033Dougan, Bernie, 2008, Field Trip to Cypress Island, San Juan Islands, Northwest Washington (3.6 MB)September 27, 2008
Field Guide 032Bjornstad, Bruce, 2008, The Ice Age Floods Through the Western Channeled Scablands (2.7 MB)June 21, 2008
Field Guide 031Cheney, E. S., 2007, The Chiwaukum Structural Low on the Eastern Flank of the Cascade …September 22, 2007
Field Guide 030(Not Available) Dougan, Bernie, 2007, The Geology of Western WashingtonJune 6, 2007
Field Guide 029(Not Available) Niem, Allen, 2006, Invasive Columbia River BasaltsSeptember 30, 2006
Field Guide 028(Not Available) Doughty, Ted, Cheney, E. S., and Buddington, Andy, 2006, The Priest River ComplexJune 2, 2006
Field Guide 027(Not Available) Gardner, C., 2005, Mt. St. HelensOctober 9, 2005
Field Guide 026(Not Available) Klauson, J., Kendell, S., 2005, The Art of Shaping Stone (workshop)September 2, 2005
Field Guide 025(Not Available) Kelley, D., 2005, Lost City Hydrothermal Field (video screening)June 11, 2005
Field Guide 024Doughty, Ted, Buddington, Andy, Derkey, Bob, 2005, Continental Margin Geology of Northeastern Washington (593 KB)June 4, 2005
Field Guide 023Reidel, S. P., 2004, The Geologic Development of the Pasco Basin, South-Central Washington (2.3 MB)October 16, 2004
Field Guide 022(Not Available) Bennett, George, 2004, Mines and Rocks of Southwestern WashingtonJune 12, 2004
Field Guide 021(Not Available) Cheney, E. S., 2003, Geology of the Eastern Flank of the Cascade RangeSeptember 11, 2003
Field Guide 020(Not Available) Hull, Joe, 2003, Evidence of Quakes and Tsunamis on Southwestern Washington’s CoastMay 30, 2003
Field Guide 019Tolan, T. L., Beeson, M. H., and Lindsey, K. A., 2002, The Effects of Volcanism …September 28, 2002
Field Guide 018Laprade, W. L., Booth, D. B., and Sherod, B. L., 2002, Seattle Geology (4.5 MB)June 8, 2002
Field Guide 017Journeay, Murray, 2001, Tectonic Evolution of the Southern Coast Mountains, British Columbia (1.5 MB)September 28, 2001
Field Guide 016Brunengo, M. J., 2002, The Van Zandt Dike Landslide and a Medley of Other Mass …June 3, 2001
Field Guide 015Thorsen, G. W., 2002, Whidbey Island Quaternary Sediments (2.3 MB)June 2, 2001
Field Guide 014Pringle, P. K., Scott, Kevin, Driedger, Carolyn, Vallance, Jim, Frank, Dave, Schroedel, Richard, 2000, Mt. …October 7, 2000
Field Guide 013Haugerud, R. A., and Haeussler, Peter, 2000, The Bedrock Geology of Seattle (638 KB)May 20, 2000
Field Guide 012Cheney, E. S., 1999, The Geology of Quartz Creek: Plutons, Copper Mineralization, and Alteration of …November 9, 1999
Field Guide 011Troost, K. G., Booth, D. B., and Pringle, Patrick, 1999, Quaternary Geology of the Tacoma …June 26, 1999
Field Guide 010Cheney, E. S., 1998, The Geology of North-Central Washington (4.4 MB)October 29, 1998
Field Guide 009Stewart, Dick, 1998, Field Trip to the Western Olympic Mountains Washington (2.6 MB)June 26, 1998
Field Guide 008(Not Available) Bennett, G. R., Clark, R., Knoblach, D. A., 1997, Mines and Geology of …September 20, 1997
Field Guide 007Cowan, S. D., and Charnley, Donn, 1997, The Geology of the San Juan and Lopez …June 6, 1997
Field Guide 006Haugerud, R. A., Mahoney, J. B., and Dragovitch, J. D., 1996, Geology of the Methow …September 5, 1996
Field Guide 005Bush, T. A., and Cheney, E. S., 1996, Guide to the Geology in the Vicinity …June 8, 1996
Field Guide 004Haugerud, R. A., 1995, The Northwest Cascades System in the Baker River and North Fork …September 16, 1995
Field Guide 003Cheney, E. S., 1993, The Geology of Northeastern Washington (2.8 MB)September 18, 1993
Field Guide (unnumbered)Easterbrook, D. J., 1992, Guidebook for NW Geological Society Field Trip to Whidbey Island (12.7 …May 25, 1992
Field Guide 002Booth, D. B., 1990, Pleistocene Deposits and Subglacial Landforms of the Southeastern Puget Sound Lowland …June 9, 1990
Field Guide 001Brown, E. H., 1989, Geology of the Skagit Crystalline Core and the Northwest Cascades System …October 7, 1989