Field Trips

Remember that you must be a current NWGS member to sign up for a field trip. Please sign up or renew your membership if you are not a current member. Please sign into the website to access signup forms.


Saturday, May 3, 2025

Proctor Creek Mine:  8:45am – 12:00 (approx.)

Cascade Quarry:  1:15 — 3:30 pm (approx.)

NWGS Leaders:  George Bennett, David Boyer, and Kurt Siegfried

Location: Snohomish County, Washington

Address: Meet at Monroe Park and Ride, 17433 Stevens Pass Highway (map below)

Cost: $50

Many thanks to Heidelberg and Cal-Portland for access, the safety classes, and their time.


7:45 AM  –Park your car and meet at the bus kiosk—be ready to leave at 8:15 AM

4:00 PM— Arrive back at Monroe Park and Ride


George: 425-785-8390 (will provide directions if lost), [email protected]

David: 206-300-3529, [email protected]

Kathleen: 425-301-2700, [email protected], *FYI, Kathleen will be out of the country starting on April 20 so unable to coordinate this trip after that date.

Field Trip Details:

  • This is two field trips in one.  Proctor Creek Mine in the morning and Cascade Quarry in the afternoon.  Rain or shine.
  • Transportation will NOT be provided.  We will meet in Monroe at the Park and Ride and consolidate vehicles.
  • Do not be late to the meeting spot (Monroe) as we will be leaving promptly at 8:15 in order to meet mine personal on site for a require safety meeting.
  • The field trip will involve walking through the mine and quarry.
  • Required attire includes sturdy boots (not soft rubber boots but steel toes are not required either), safety vest, eye protection and a hard hat. If you don’t have a hard hat, a ski or bike helmet will suffice. Bring extra hard hats if you have them.  Some safety gear may be available at the Proctor Creek Mine.
  • Lunch and beverages will not be provided but bring them if you would like them.  Please pack out your garbage.
  • An optional post-field trip gathering to discuss field trip highlights or other points of geologic interest may be considered.  Venue options in the area are welcome.


  • NO WALK-UPS without prior RSVP

Payment: Please bring your $50 payment (check made out to NWGS, or online payment option) to the field trip for collection at the Monroe Park and Ride.

Transportation: There is plenty of parking available at the Monroe Park and Ride.  If anyone wants to carpool from Seattle, please let David or George know by April 29.

If you cannot make it, please notify George or David.  We will have room for 20 people plus the field trip leaders. 

Questions? Contact NWGS Field Trip Coordinator Kathleen Goodman at [email protected] or 425-301-2700 (voice or text message) before April 20. After April 19, please contact [email protected] or [email protected]

Register here for the Spring Proctor Creek Mine and Cascade Quarry field trip.

Please ensure your membership is current before submitting the form.

Please log into the website ( in order to sign up for this field trip. Only members are eligible for signups.

Cornwall and Somerset, England– September 20-28, 2025    


We are organizing a Southwest England with our wonderful British field trip leaders, Chris and Colin, from the 2016 Scotland trip. Details of the trip and itinerary are available in the brochure. The trip will be from Sept 20-28, 2025, which seems like a long way off but to arrange a trip like this it takes a year in advance to arrange lodging and keep the costs  as reasonable as possible. With that in mind, we will need to have people sign up by September 30 (yes, this year!) by filling out the booking form and sending it to Chris Darmon at [email protected]

Important note:

Please send your $750 deposit check to Kathleen Goodman. We will collect all the deposits in USD and transfer the money to the UK in one payment.
Kathleen’s address: 5911 124th CT NE, Kirkland, 98033.

Many NWGS members have gone on Chris and Colin’s trips before. Kathleen has been to the Scottish Highlands in 2016, Ireland in 2022, NE England/Scottish lowlands in 2023 and Cyprus in April 2025. Other folks in the NWGS have been on their Norway, Canary Islands, Iceland and Outer Hebrides trips. Chris and Colin are very skilled at running these trips and making sure that the accommodations are comfortable, all meals are included, and travel during the week is by a comfortable coach with an expert driver.  Extra expenses would be the oversees flight and incidentals, but you can read about all the details on the brochure.