2022 November, Volume 36, Number 8
William Burgel, Retired.
The Development of the Science of Geology as it Corresponds to the Growth of the Railroad Industry: How Geology Played a Significant Role in Railroading in the Pacific Northwest
William Burgel, Retired.
The Development of the Science of Geology as it Corresponds to the Growth of the Railroad Industry: How Geology Played a Significant Role in Railroading in the Pacific Northwest
Elizabeth Davis, University of Washington PhD Candidate Title: Surf ‘n’ Turf Earthquake Records in the Seattle Fault Zone
John Oldow, Western Washington University (retired)
Title: Fidalgo Ophiolite Revisited: A Late Jurassic ophiolitic basalt-argillite matrix mélange and JuraCretaceous stratigraphic overlap sequence, northwestern Washington
This will be our first in-person meeting (zoom still available). Please register to attend.
Lee Florea, Washington Geological Survey, Toward a More Comprehensive Model of Karst Development
Please note that our meeting this month is on the third Tuesday of the month.
Keith Ronnholm, UW Joint Institute for Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO) (retired), Eye Witness to An Exploding Volcano – Mt. St. Helens
Speakers: Kathy Goetz Troost, PhD, LG, Associate Teaching Faculty, UW and Master Students: Mitchell
Hatfield, Environmental Geologist, Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Crystal Lambert, Geologist, Aspect Consulting, LLC, Sam Angel, Geologist, Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., and Cody Chaussee, Engineering Geology Intern, WSDOT, Port Gamble Coastal Hazards Project
Speaker: Melissa Rice, Western Washington University, NASA’s Mars-2020 Mission in
Jezero Crater: The First 8 Months of Exploration by the Perseverance Rover
Speaker: Paul Belanger, Sound Water Stewards, Paleoceanographic history that led to our
understanding of Cenozoic climate history and changing impact for the Pacific Northwest
March, 2021 Newsletter Volume 35, Number 3
Speaker: Gordon Grant, USDA Forest Service, The Hydraulics of High-Energy Geologic
Fluids (or the Physics of Whitewater)
Speaker: Dr. Anita Grunder, Oregon State University, Volcanic View of Plutonic Rocks: 11
MY of Magmatism at Aucanquilcha Volcanic Cluster on the Chilean Altiplano