2022 November, Volume 36, Number 8

William Burgel, Retired.

The Development of the Science of Geology as it Corresponds to the Growth of the Railroad Industry: How Geology Played a Significant Role in Railroading in the Pacific Northwest

Newsletter Link

October 2022, Volume 26, Number 7

Elizabeth Davis, University of Washington PhD Candidate Title: Surf ‘n’ Turf Earthquake Records in the Seattle Fault Zone

Newsletter Download

June 2022, Volume 36, Number 6

John Oldow, Western Washington University (retired)

Title: Fidalgo Ophiolite Revisited: A Late Jurassic ophiolitic basalt-argillite matrix mélange and JuraCretaceous stratigraphic overlap sequence, northwestern Washington

This will be our first in-person meeting (zoom still available). Please register to attend.

November, 2021 Newsletter Volume 35, Number 7

Speakers: Kathy Goetz Troost, PhD, LG, Associate Teaching Faculty, UW and Master Students: Mitchell
Hatfield, Environmental Geologist, Shannon & Wilson, Inc., Crystal Lambert, Geologist, Aspect Consulting, LLC, Sam Angel, Geologist, Associated Earth Sciences, Inc., and Cody Chaussee, Engineering Geology Intern, WSDOT, Port Gamble Coastal Hazards Project

May, 2020 Newsletter Volume 34, Number 5

Due to the coronavirus outbreak, the following events were canceled with the hope of rescheduling them in the near future:

  • March 10th meeting featuring Dr. Gerald Bryant, private contractor representing Dixie State
    College, Quicksand in the Ancient Sand Desert: Occurrence and Implications of Soft Sediment
    Deformation in the Navajo Sandstone
  • April 14th meeting featuring Dr. Melissa Rice from Western Washington University, on Exploring
    the Geology of the Jezero Crater, Mars, with NASA’s Next Rover Mission
  • May 12th meeting featuring Wayne Ranney, author/river guide, on Ancient Landscapes of North
  • Spring field trip featuring Skye Cooley on Calcretes and Implications Cascades and YFB