2024 May, Volume 28, No 5

Will Hoover, University of Washington, Postdoctoral Associate

Earthquakes and baby powder: How chemical reactions influence Cascadia slow slip

See the Newsletter

2024 April, Volume 28, No 4

Darrel Cowan, University of Washington Emeritus

Evolution of ideas – 1969-1985 – about plate convergence along the western margin of North America

April Newsletter

2024 February, Volume 38, No 2

Stacia Gordon, University of Nevada Reno, Tracking the Rheology History of an Arc System: Magmatism, Metamorphism, and Deformation in the Deep Crust

Newsletter Link

2023 November, Volume 37, No 7

Grace Winer, Expedition Staff member on Lindblad/National Geographic. Geology of Iceland: la Terre Vivante (the Living Earth)

Newsletter Link

2023 May, Volume 37, Number 5

Drs. Greg Wessel and Theodore Smith, Geology in the Public Interest and Politics and Geology: Examples from California

Newsletter Link

2023 April, Volume 37, Number 4

Dr. Peter Davis, Pacific Lutheran University. New insights into Mesozoic igneous and metamorphic rocks of the Central Cascades, Washington State.

Newsletter Link

waterpocket fold

2022 December, Volume 36, Number 9

Tom Bush, Pierce College Puyallup, Stratigraphic and Structural Controls of Landscape Development, San Rafael Swell and Capitol Reef National Park Areas, South-Central Utah

Newsletter Link

2022 November, Volume 36, Number 8

William Burgel, Retired.

The Development of the Science of Geology as it Corresponds to the Growth of the Railroad Industry: How Geology Played a Significant Role in Railroading in the Pacific Northwest

Newsletter Link

October 2022, Volume 26, Number 7

Elizabeth Davis, University of Washington PhD Candidate Title: Surf ‘n’ Turf Earthquake Records in the Seattle Fault Zone

Newsletter Download

June 2022, Volume 36, Number 6

John Oldow, Western Washington University (retired)

Title: Fidalgo Ophiolite Revisited: A Late Jurassic ophiolitic basalt-argillite matrix mélange and JuraCretaceous stratigraphic overlap sequence, northwestern Washington

This will be our first in-person meeting (zoom still available). Please register to attend.